Welcome to the Legit Entrepreneurial Opportunities Blog

I will give you tips and tricks everyday on how to find legitimate internet entrepreneurial opportunities and how to work them once you find them. This is your one stop shop for inspiration and business information.

*****I am affiliated with many of the offerings contained within this blog and will receive compensation from sales *****

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Finding Legitimate Internet Entrepreneurial Opportunities Daily Tip 30 - Internet Marketing Bombshell

This past week has been a monumental one.  Thousands of times on the internet you hear people talking about the next big thing.  Almost all the time they give you some sort of outdated course that is supposed to change the way you market online.  The tips they give you don't work anymore and have been milked by those same marketers for millions of dollars before they share the secrets with you.  That model has been perpetuated all over the internet for years now.  Those types of programs are what lead many people to claim that the internet is a place where you always get ripped off.

Now it is possible to make money with these teachings but important information is always omitted.  Now what if there was a system that actually produced something for you.  This isn't just theory on how a system should work.  You get lessons on how to use the tool and then actually use the tool to deploy hundreds of unique sites in minutes.  There is such a system that will produce massive results with people who USE it properly of course.  What good is a gun if someone has no idea how to use it?

Now this system has many built in tricks and secrets to help you succeed on the internet.  This allows anyone with the willingness to learn, to legitimately compete with the top internet marketers out there today.  Never before has it been this easy to create keyword targeted websites without having advanced knowledge in website design and programming.  It would also take you hundreds and hundreds of hours to manually create unique keyword targeted websites to market your business.  Now all that time has been shrunk down to literally seconds. 

I am not here to tell you that this system will make money on it's own, because it will not.  You will need to do the keyword research and find out what markets you want to hit.  We provide classes to teach you how to better use the software and what you should look for in a good keyword.  This system can work for any business, offline or online, to produce traffic to your site.  Once the traffic is on your site it is your job to convert them into sales.  This system and tool can help skyrocket your business, but it won't do everything for you.  Once you get the customers into the store it is up to you to convert them into money.

This system will help you market any of the legitimate internet entrepreneurial opportunities out there.  We are here to help you succeed on the internet.  The internet marketing world has been monopolized by a select few for far too long.  Come see how this system can change your internet marketing presence for the better.  Times are changing.

Market your Legit Entrepreneurial Opportunities .

Until Tomorrow Everyone.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Finding Legitimate Internet Entrepreneurial Opportunities Daily Tip 29 - Listening To Advice

These days, everyone has an opinion.  You look all over the internet and you will see millions of people giving their opinions on all kinds of different topics.  Chances are if you have a question about something, anything, someone has already answered it on some website.  While everyone in your life is giving you their opinions and advice about things, you have to learn which is good advice and which is bad.  It can be hard to determine, but you always have to remember that not all advice is created equally.

I am not saying to not listen to anyone, but be weary of the source of the advice.  If you struggle with losing weight and keeping it off, you aren't going to ask someone for advice who has never struggled with weight.  Sure they can give good advice, but they don't know exactly what you are up against.  Seeking out someone who has had the same problems as you have would be a better source.  Filtering the noise around you is a skill that most successful entrepreneurs have.

This skill is vital to success in free enterprise because you will find naysayers all over the place.  Working from home over the internet is still a very new concept.  People are always taught they should go to college and earn a degree and then work for someone.  That is great for some people, but searching for you own income online is a dangerous new place.  The people who succeed on the internet don't let those people affect them.  You will get all kinds of advice, most of it might be to get a job and live a normal life, but if you want to succeed you will have to press on.

There is nothing wrong with having a job, you might need one in order to support your business online.  Entrepreneurs have it in them that they want to make their own success.  That type of person isn't going to let anyone hold them back.  When you are easily influenced by others, you will end up being influenced by others.  If you want to learn how to be successful online, find someone who is successful and ask them what they did.  Keep in mind if they have secrets and tips, they probably won't tell you all of them.  They gotta keep something for themselves.  Take one or two nuggets from each piece of advice that you receive.  Eventually you will have enough nuggets to paint a clear picture of what you need to do to succeed.

Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something.  If you have a dream and a plan to achieve that dream, go for it.  You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Learn what it takes to become an Internet Entrepreneur .

Until Tomorrow Everyone

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Finding Legitimate Internet Entrepreneurial Opportunities Daily Tip 28 - Hard Work

This may be contrary to a lot of what you read on the internet, but you need to work hard to be successful online.  Anyone who tells you otherwise is definitely lying to you.  I am not saying that you shouldn't try to work smarter, but if you expect to work two hours a day and make a million dollars you are kidding yourself.  If you see programs out there promising you quick money with no effort, run away in the opposite direction.  Hard work is going to be needed if you want to succeed on the internet.

You will find that many marketers will try to paint a picture that success on the internet is easily reached.  You will hear claims of people making six figures a month while just working a couple hours a day.  The thing they fail to tell you is that they spent countless hours building their business in the beginning.  Sure there may be a day where you only need to work 3 or 4 hours a day to obtain a substantial income.  The fact of the matter is you will need to put in long hours in the beginning to build your business.  So what they are claiming may be true in the sense that currently they only work a couple hours to obtain that sort of income.  They just conveniently leave out the start up hours.

Nothing in life worth having comes easy.  Why would financial freedom come easy then?  In society these days people want results immediately.  I know my generation has grown up in a world where things come quickly.  The thought of not having the internet to look up information seems alien to us.  When people search on the internet they want results fast.  Google will spit out millions and millions of results in a fraction of a second, it is truly remarkable when you think about it.  No wonder many people fall for the claims of easy fast money on the internet.  It is a dream that many have, but it is also a dream that will never come true.

The internet is a tool to better leverage your time.  Legitimate internet entrepreneurial opportunities will state that clearly to you.  You can make substantial income on the internet quickly, but you will have to put a ton of hours in to make it happen.  Before the internet it would have taken you years to make six figures a year.  With the right guidance you can be making that kind of money in six months online.  Just be ready to put some sweat equity into that endeavor, otherwise it will never happen.  Using the internet is a way to work smarter with your business.  Just remember that working smarter doesn't mean you will never have to work hard again.

On the contrary, you want to work just as hard as you did before.  The only difference is the internet will let you get further than you could have before.  Hard work will always pay off.

Learn how to Work Smarter .

Until Tomorrow Everyone

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Finding Legitimate Internet Entrepreneurial Opportunities Daily Tip 27 - Listening

How well do you listen to others?  I am talking about really listening to other people.  Most of us believe we are good listeners, but many times what we are doing is waiting to talk.  Actively listening is extremely hard to do if you are not used to it.  Breaking a habit is hard and when it is something you do subconsciously, it will be that much harder to break out of the habit.  This is one of the things I am actively working on in order to become a better leader and prospector.

I have said many times that it is important to keep on moving forward.  We can all improve in different areas of our lives at all times.  When you really listen to people, you are able to connect with them easier.  A good listener is very rare, which is why it is such a valuable skill.  When you are talking to someone, do you respond immediately after they are done talking?  If you do, that means you weren't listening.  In order to really listen you need to clear your mind and focus on what the other person is saying.  After they are done you can take a moment to gather your thoughts and respond.  If you are gathering those thoughts while the other person is talking you will be missing some of what they say.

Learning to listen will take time.  If it is something you are not used to then it will be a struggle.  Some of us get excited when we are talking about our legitimate internet entrepreneurial opportunities, in that excitement we don't pay attention to what our prospect needs.  If you genuinely want to help people achieve the successes they deserve, you first need to find out what their needs are.  You won't be able to help everyone, but if you never find out what a prospect's needs are, then you will never know how to help them.  I am sure you will find out what you have to offer isn't beneficial to them, that is when you both part ways.  The thing you want to do is help the people whom you can actually need what you offer.

The best sales people are not the pushers.  The best sales people are the ones that listen to their customers and make them feel important.  People are so used to not being heard, that when someone genuinely listens to them, they take notice.  When a prospect knows that you care about them, that is the kind of rapport you want to be building.

So next time you are talking to a potential customer, make a concerted effort to listen to them.  You may be surprised the results you will receive.

Make sure to check out this Entrepreneurial Opportunity .

Until Tomorrow Everyone

Monday, November 2, 2009

Finding Legitimate Internet Entrepreneurial Opportunities Daily Tip 26 - MLM Lead Generation

Lead generation is vital to any business.  MLM lead generation isn't easy, especially when they tell you to work your family and friends first.  Any good business needs to know  how to generate quality leads in order to be successful.  Do you know where to get those leads?  This can be one of the hardest things to grasp when you are starting your own business.  You will soon find out though that the successful people on the internet, know how to generate their own leads.

When you join a home business, most of the time they will tell you to buy leads online and then call them.  On the other hand, legitimate internet entrepreneurial opportunities will give you the whole story.  While at first buying leads is fine, you need to develop your own marketing online in order to really hit it big.  MLM lead generation, or lead generation for any company, is vital to success.  Language skills are vital, but they are useless if you have no one to talk to.  The internet is the best and fastest place to generate leads, but you can lose a lot of money if you don't know what you're doing.

Find an opportunity that will show you exactly how to market your business.  I know of a great opportunity that does just that, applied knowledge is immensely powerful.  Not everyone is going to reveal all their secrets to you, but taking a piece here and a piece there you can gain the knowledge to be really successful online.  Now if technology is scary to you, then you might want to consider outsourcing some of the activities.  Running a successful business is all about managing your time, which is why outsourcing is the best option sometimes.  Even if you do outsource though, it is important to have a basic knowledge of what they are doing for you so you can keep track.  You can waste a lot of money while outsourcing if you do not keep them in check.

I know of a revolutionary system that does both.  You have classes to learn how to run a successful business on the internet.  There is also an option to have the marketing done for you if you don't want to do it.  That kind of flexibility is rare on the internet.  You would be hard pressed to find a better all around program to help you grow your business.

It doesn't matter if you are looking for mlm leads, mortgage leads, or annuity leads, learning how to market on the internet can benefit ANY business.  You can market any business you want with our system, it doesn't have to be ours.  You definitely won't find something like that anywhere else on the net.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Learn how to skyrocket your business.

Until Tomorrow Everyone